Undergoing breast augmentation surgery could be one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences of your life. Countless patients have come to our practice in order to enhance their curves and improve their overall figure by getting silicone or saline breast implants.
As we discuss the procedure with patients, we learn just how much misinformation is out there about breast implants and the nature of breast enlargement surgery. Below, we’d like to look at some of the common misconceptions about breast implants. We’ll debunk these myths and offer some facts you can use if you’re considering breast augmentation.
Myth Breast Implants Can Cause Cancer
There is no reputable scientific or medical study that finds that breast implants cause cancer in patients. We would like to note that breast implants can make mammograms more challenging. Breast augmentation patients should disclose they have implants to their general practitioner and the radiologist at their breast cancer screening.
We would also like to note that patients who have textured breasts implants run a risk of developing breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). BIA-ALCL is a rare form of cancer that we’ve been following on this blog for some time.
Myth: You Can’t Breastfeed If You Have Implants
Since breast implants are positioned beneath the breast tissue (and sometimes even under the pectoral muscle), having implants will generally not effect milk production or the ability to breastfeed. Many mothers who have breast implants are able to nurse without any difficulty. If this is a concern, we can even modify the site of the incisions as needed.
That’s a good segue into the next myth about breast augmentation surgery.
Myth: Breast Augmentation Leaves Scars All Over Your Breasts
Plastic surgeons work diligently to minimize scarring during cosmetic procedures. There are numerous breast augmentation incision methods available, including options that hide surgical incisions in the armpits and the belly button.
We take time to discuss the risk of unsightly scarring with patients during the consultation process. In addition to planning incision sites accordingly, we also offer advice on scar management and reduction after breast augmentation.
Myth: You Need to Replace Your Breast Implants Every 10 Years
The only reason that breast implants need to be replaced is if they rupture, if patients have post-surgical complications, or if patients are unhappy with the outcomes of surgery. In these cases, breast implant revision can be performed to replace the implants as needed. If patients are happy with their implants, though, the implants don’t have to be swapped out or changed periodically.
Myth: Breast Implants Always Look Fake
The results of breast augmentation surgery can vary from surgeon to surgeon, which is why patients need to do their research. Board-certified plastic surgeons who care about their craft and their patients tend to yield excellent results that look natural.
An eye for natural-looking outcomes is something we pride ourselves on. This is achieved by complementing a patient’s existing curves and taking a holistic approach to the final results of the surgery.
Get the Facts About Breast Augmentation Surgery
For more useful information about breast implants and breast augmentation surgery, we encourage you to contact our Dallas cosmetic plastic surgery center. We will give you honest answers that you can trust.