Our eyelids are usually the part of our face that ages first. As our eyelid skin stretches and becomes excessive, our muscles weaken and “bags,” which represent bulging fat, become apparent. We tend to look tired, angry, or sad because of this excess eyelid tissue. Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is designed to correct these changes and reveal a more youthful and energetic appearance. Excess skin is excised, fat pockets are removed and muscles are tightened. The best candidates for this plastic surgery procedure are men and women who are in their 30s or older. Contact our plastic surgery practice in Dallas, TX to learn more about the eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, procedure.
The Blepharoplasty Procedure
Prior to surgery, Dr. Pin marks the areas where the incisions will be made. To minimize scarring, these marks follow the natural lines and creases of the upper and lower eyelids. Fat, excess skin, and muscle may be removed during the procedure, and fine sutures make the incision almost invisible.
This eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can be performed in an office-based facility, an outpatient surgical center, or hospital. It is usually done on an outpatient basis, not requiring an overnight stay. The procedure can take less than one hour, depending on the areas being treated.
In a standard upper blepharoplasty, a crescent of excess skin is precisely removed from the upper lid to create a sharper contour. Some fat is also removed, particularly at the junction of the upper lid and the nose. Carefully placed sutures allow the incision to be concealed in the upper lid crease. Lower eyelid treatments commonly use an incision on the inside of the eyelid (transconjunctival blepharoplasty,) thus avoiding any external scarring. The procedure removes and repositions the fat deposits that form the unsightly bulges. To reduce the risk of recurrent bags, the lower lid muscle is usually tightened.
Blepharoplasty can be done as an isolated procedure or in conjunction with other facial procedures such as a facelift or browlift. Anesthesia for the operation can be either twilight or general anesthesia.
Eyelid Surgery Before and After Photos
Upper Eyelid Surgery and Browlift
This case is a good example of what can be achieved from surgery on just the upper eyelids to remove fat and excess skin. Notice that the eyes look larger, and the upper eyelids look less hooded. The effect is subtle, yet brightens the entire face.
Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, and Browlift
This is a somewhat more dramatic effect, as this patient had both the upper and lower eyelids improved. In addition to opening up the eyes and decreasing the appearance of hooded eyelids, the circles and bags under the eyes were diminished.
Male Upper Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, and Browlift
This case shows an example of the results that men may achieve from eyelid surgery. Although the eyes are more open and alert, there is still a strong brow line, thereby helping the patient avoid an overdone look. This is another example of how a relatively small change to the facial features can result in a noticeable improvement.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
This is a good example of what can be achieved from only removing excess loose skin on the upper eyelids. The upper eyelids have a less sunken, hollowed look to them, which has caused the eyes to look much brighter than before surgery.
Featured Cases

Upper Eyelid Surgery with Browlift
This 55 year old really looked older than her age and wanted something done. She felt her eyes used to be one of her best features and wanted them more revealed.
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Upper & Lower Eyelid Surgery with Browlift
Though she had the energy of someone much younger than her age of 62, this woman looked much older.
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Upper Eyelid Surgery with Browlift
As a 67-year-old male, this patient was reticent to have a browlift as he wanted to avoid a "feminine look." A conservative browlift and upper lid blepharoplasty gave him the ch
+ See Full CaseRisks of Eyelid Lift Surgery
As with any medical procedure, there are certain inherent risks, which should be discussed with a qualified physician.
Blepharoplasty Recovery and Results
Most patients experience very little pain with this type of surgery, and it is easily managed with oral medications, head elevation, and cold compresses. Mild swelling and bruising are to be expected and usually last one to two weeks. Exercise can resume in two weeks. After the first week, bruising can usually be concealed with makeup.
Due to eye irritation, some patients use eye drops temporarily to soothe their eyes. The vast majority of blepharoplasty patients experience a very positive benefit that lasts for years.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of the skin surrounding your eyes, you may be a good candidate for upper and lower eyelid surgery.
Contact the practice of Dr. Paul Pin today to schedule a blepharoplasty consultation and learn more about the risks and benefits of treatment.