At our plastic surgery and cosmetic skin care center, we take time to consider patients' lives after their procedure is done. Good aftercare can prevent complications and serious scarring. This is especially important for breast augmentation patients, who often have questions about the nature of scars after surgery.

The team at our Dallas, TX plastic surgery practice would like to offer an overview of incision sites and post-surgical scarring for people who get breast implants. We can offer further advice during your visit.

Common Locations for Breast Augmentation Incisions

When performing breast augmentation surgery, the two most common incision locations are on the breasts themselves. In the inframammary incision technique, the incision is located along the crease where the bottom the breast meets the chest. In the periareolar technique, the incision is located around the edge of the areola, the patch of skin surrounding the nipple.

Hidden Incision Techniques

There are different incision techniques to place breast implants, which includes two “hidden incision” techniques. In the transaxillary incision method, the incision is made in the armpit. In the transumbilical incision method, the incision is made in the belly button.

Only saline breast implants can be placed using these hidden incision methods, but post-surgical scarring is practical unnoticeable since the incisions are made away from the breasts themselves.

How Noticeable Is Post-Surgical Scarring?

Generally, scarring after breast augmentation surgery is not severe. The inframammary incision is rarely seen since it’s on the underside of the breast. Even the periareolar incision tends to blend in well with the edge of the areola.

Scars will fade with time, and while they may be somewhat visible, they are not too much of an issue for most patients. Women with breast implants can wear many tops, bathing suits, and undergarments without worry of scars showing.

How Long Does It Take for Scars to Fade?

This can vary from patient to patient. Scars are very noticeable in the first few months after surgery. As patients heal, the scars start to fade from view. Over the course of the next few years, they’ll become even less apparent and blend in with the surrounding skin.

Pre-Planning to Minimize Serious Surgical Scars

Proper planning can minimize major scarring in patients. If you suffer from a health condition that results in major scarring or you have a history of serious scarring, we can tailor the surgery to minimize poor outcomes. In such cases, the hidden incision techniques may be most ideal for you and your needs.

Proper Breast Augmentation Scar Aftercare

These aftercare tips can help reduce excessive scarring:

  • Wear the Right Kind of Bra - After you’ve undergone breast augmentation surgery, the bra you wear will make a major difference. Proper support can help prevent serious scarring and discomfort. We can offer advice on picking a surgical recovery bra and other undergarments.
  • Avoid Hot Showers Early On - Steam and very hot showers can cause inflammation of healing incision sites. It’s important to avoid very hot showers, hot tubs, and saunas until you’re fully healed and your surgeon approves it.
  • Be Careful About Tanning - UV rays do serious damage to the skin. That includes making scar tissue more prominent/visible. Avoid tanning beds and excessive sunbathing, especially in the first months after your breast augmentation.
  • Do Not Use Tobacco Products - Smoking and chewing tobacco can lead to serious skin damage, which includes making scars worse. Kick the habit for good to look your best.

What Should I Do If I Experience Scar Tissue Problems After Surgery?

If you do develop unwanted scar tissue after breast augmentation, you can discuss your issues with us. We may recommend over-the-counter products to help minimize scarring, or we may discuss professional scar revision therapy.

Learn More About Breast Augmentation

To learn more about post-surgical scarring and other important issues related to breast augmentation surgery, contact an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. Our staff is here to help answer your questions and address your concerns.