It is an unfortunate fact of aging that the skin around the face and neck begins to sag and droop. Along with this can come jowls, double chins, and the "turkey wattle" of loose skin under the neck. These can all make the face appear aged, tired, and unhealthy. People who have this excess skin and fat around the neck and chin due to aging or weight gain may wish to consider a neck liposuction cosmetic procedure in order to rejuvenate their appearance and look younger and more refreshed.

Neck Liposuction Procedure

In neck liposuction, a series of small incisions are made under the chin and behind each ear. A thin metal tube is then inserted, and the excess fat is gently suctioned out from each of these incision areas. In some cases, lasers or ultrasound may be used to help first heat the fat, which makes it easier to remove. Dissolvable sutures are used, so any scars will be barely noticeable. Once all the excess fat has been removed, the neck is then wrapped with a compression garment to reduce the amount of bruising and swelling around the neck.

This procedure can be done either with a twilight anesthesia (local anesthetic with sedation) or a general anesthesia. The procedure is relatively quick, generally taking about an hour to 90 minutes to complete, depending on the amount of fat to be removed and whether or not the neck liposuction is combined with another procedure such as a neck lift or a facelift.


First 48 hours: Recovery from a neck liposuction procedure is relatively quick. Dr. Paul Pin recommends that patients keep their head elevated for the first 48 hours following surgery. Patients may find that they are more comfortable sleeping in a recliner chair than in a bed for those first few days after surgery. Bathing and showering are permitted within 24 hours after surgery, but will require patients to remove the compression garment to avoid getting it wet.

One week: Patients should wear their neck compression garment for the first week following surgery in order to reduce the amount of bruising and swelling. Taking the herb Arnica montana will also help reduce bruising and swelling. Patients should be able to resume normal light activities at this time. Most patients will be able to drive and return to work. Dr. Pin recommends that patients resume a light exercise program at this point. It is important to keep moving, even if it is only walking around the house.

One month: By one month after the neck liposuction procedure, patients should see a dramatic improvement in their appearance. Jowls, double chins, and turkey wattle should all be less noticeable. By this time, the incisions will have healed and will be barely noticeable. Patients should be able to look youthful, refreshed, and rejuvenated.

Dr. Pin can help patients defy the effects of time and gravity when it comes to their appearance. Book a consultation appointment to find out more about how a neck liposuction can help produce a more streamlined neckline.