Many people think that only people who have been unable to lose weight through diet and exercise will opt for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) cosmetic surgical procedure. The truth is that people who have been very successful in their weight loss (as in losing 100 pounds or more) are also looking toward a tummy tuck procedure to remove excess loose skin that can hang in heavy folds off their now trimmer body.


The cosmetic surgeon makes incisions along the abdomen in order to lift the skin and underlying tissue away from the body, remove the excess skin, and then reattach the skin and tissue to the abdomen. In some cases, this may be combined with a liposuction to remove excess fat, or thigh lift or arm lift procedure to remove excess skin from other parts of the body. Depending on the extent of work necessary, the procedure may take anywhere from two to three hours. Surgical drains are inserted to help remove blood and other body fluids that may accumulate during the healing process.


Patients are generally encouraged to be up and moving within a day or two after surgery, even though they may find it difficult to stand completely upright for the first few days afterward. Moving around keeps the circulation flowing and reduces the chance of forming blood clots.

During recovery, patients will be asked to monitor and chart the amount of fluid that collects in the surgical drains. Depending on the amount of fluid that is removed each time they are full, the drains may be taken out anywhere from one to two weeks following surgery. Patients may have all drains taken out at once, or some may be left in place for a longer period of time.

Most patients can return to normal activities, including work, within three to four weeks following surgery. Some patients may be eager to start up or resume their exercise regimen after a tummy tuck procedure. It is generally safe to start doing so at a low level at six to eight weeks following surgery. However, patients should know that their endurance and strength may not be at full capacity at first, so they should not try to push themselves too hard.

Side Effects

As with any cosmetic surgical procedure, the two biggest side effects will be bruising and swelling. Taking the herb Arnica montana starting before the surgery will help to reduce bruising. Swelling will be reduced by means of a special compression garment that Dr. Paul Pin will give the patient. This should be worn for at least three weeks following the surgery, after which patients may be able to switch to lighter control garments such as Spanx.


Patients should begin to see results from their tummy tuck within approximately three to four weeks following surgery, once the swelling has subsided. However, the body is still readjusting, so it may take six to eight weeks before the final body shape becomes visible. Nevertheless, a tummy tuck may be the answer for patients who have worked hard to take control of their weight and wish to proudly show off their hard work and effort.

Contact Dr. Pin's practice to schedule a consultation.