A properly toned stomach can be very difficult to achieve, even with a rigorous exercise program. Numerous studies have shown that the abdomen is often the first spot where fat accumulates on the body. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most difficult places to lose weight, even with a properly targeted exercise routine. When patients do lose weight in the stomach, they are often left with unsightly excess skin. For those patients who have a small amount of loose skin in the lower abdominal area, Dr. Paul Pin recommends a mini tummy tuck rather than a full tummy tuck (abdominoplasty).

Mini Tummy Tuck versus Full Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck is designed for those patients who have significant amounts of excess loose skin around the entire abdominal area, in both the upper and lower abdominal regions. A patient who has lost a considerable amount of weight would be an ideal candidate for a full tummy tuck. In the full tummy tuck, an incision is made across the front of the torso from one hip to the other, following the bikini line so as to hide the appearance of any scarring. The skin and underlying tissue are lifted up, tightened to remove any excess skin, and then reattached to the torso. An incision is also made around the belly button, allowing surgeons to tighten skin on the upper abdomen and recreate the belly button. Results should be noticeable within four to six weeks following the procedure.

A mini tummy tuck is designed for those patients who only have excess skin in the lower abdominal region. A smaller incision is made below the belly button, and any excess skin in the lower abdominal region is removed before being reattached to the torso. Both the full and the mini tummy tucks may be combined with a liposuction procedure to remove any excess abdominal fat. Patients may see results two to three weeks following the procedure.

Advantages of a Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck takes much less time than a full tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck generally takes about 90 minutes, while a full tummy tuck can take several hours.

Recovery time is also much shorter with a mini tummy tuck. Full recovery from a full tummy tuck can take anywhere from six to eight weeks; while the recovery timeline for mini tummy tuck is similar, but may be a couple of weeks shorter.

Surgical side effects and risks are much less substantial with a mini tummy tuck. Bruising and swelling following a full tummy tuck can last anywhere from two to three weeks, while it should only take one to two weeks for a mini tummy tuck. Furthermore, because the incision for a mini tummy tuck is much smaller than for a full tummy tuck, there is a reduced risk of infection and less scarring.

A sensible diet and regular exercise plan can do wonders to reshape the body and remove excess fat. However, it may not be enough when it comes to the abdominal area. In such cases, a mini tummy tuck may be all that is needed for the finishing touch to having tight, sculpted abdominal muscles. Dr. Pin can help patients achieve those abdominal muscles with a simple, fast procedure that has minimal side effects.

Contact Dr. Pin's practice to schedule a consultation.