checklist before plastic surgeryWhen patients put in the time and effort that it takes to prepare for the plastic surgery recovery period, they enjoy a much more pleasant post-operative experience. Completing a list of chores before surgery allows patients to start the recovery process without worry or stress. Here, Dallas plastic surgeon Paul Pin provides a list of chores that should be completed a day or two before plastic surgery.

Run Errands

Write out a list of items that you will need to have on hand after surgery so you can pick them up when you run errands.

  • Stock groceries: Buy no less than two weeks' worth of food and supplies. Look for foods and beverages that are easy to digest and easy to cook.
  • Fill medications: Make sure all prescriptions for the surgery, as well as those taken on a regular basis, are filled and kept in a place that is easy to access. Bandages, ointments, antibacterial soap, and healing creams may also need to be purchased. Remember that certain products can cut the severity and rate of side effects such as pain, scarring, bruising, itching, and swelling, so now is a good time to purchase these items.
  • Pick up dry cleaning: Dry cleaning can easily be forgotten prior to surgery; be sure to pick up any clothes at the dry cleaners before your surgery.
  • Have entertainment material: Reading books, watching television, playing games, and other types of entertainment can make the time more enjoyable while healing.

Perform Regular Household Routines

Take the time to complete these normal chores ahead of time so you can focus on your actual physical recovery.

  • Finish laundry: Wash all clothing, bedding, and towels. Fold all items, and put them away for easy access. Have extras available so you have plenty of clean sheets and towels on hand for recovery.
  • Change bedding: Put a fresh set of sheets on the bed just before surgery. If you want to recover in a recliner instead, you may want to cover it with a clean sheet as well.
  • Clean the Rest of The House: A clean environment with minimal clutter will lower stress and reduce the chances of accidents occurring while moving around.
  • Remove trash: Empty all garbage and recycling containers in the bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen area. Dispose of them in their proper receptacles outside of the house.
  • Manage pet areas: Clean areas where pets frequent, and have food and supplies on hand for the recovery period.

Tie Up Loose Ends

Besides completing standard chores and having to take time off from work, some added arrangements will still need to be made.

  • Clear the rest area: Have necessary items in place before having surgery; this will make the healing time more pleasant.
  • Plan low sodium meals: Sodium contributes to post-surgery swelling. If possible, have low sodium meals already cooked and measured into portions.
  • Double check your recovery plan: Take the time to look over your lists and contact to anyone that needs to know about your surgery arrangements.
  • Arrange for extra help: Expect for some unplanned events. Have people you can contact in case extra care is needed.
  • Make bill payments: With all expenses are taken care of, you can remain stress-free during your recovery.

Dr. Pin is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. Contact our Dallas practice to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pin.