If you are considering undergoing a cosmetic procedure to enhance your appearance, you are not alone. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) professional organization for plastic surgeons, almost 13 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2015 by its members. Of these procedures, approximately 2 million were surgical, such as tummy tucks or facelifts. This leaves approximately 11 million procedures that were non-surgical, such as microdermabrasion or dermal injections to address lines and wrinkles on the face. Below is a summary of the five most popular surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures performed in 2015.

Surgical Procedures

  • Liposuction: This procedure is designed to remove stubborn pockets of excess fat that have not responded to the combination of regular exercise and a healthy, low-fat diet. Although the abdominal region is the most popular area for liposuction, it can also be performed on other areas of the body, including the inner and outer thighs, hips, buttocks, knees, and upper arms.
  • Breast augmentation: A breast augmentation procedure will increase the size and shape of the breasts, while maintaining a natural appearance that is in proportion with the rest of the body. It can be done alone or in conjunction with a breast lift to reduce sagging and drooping.
  • Tummy tuck: This procedure removes excess skin and tissue, and tightens up underlying abdominal muscles, following dramatic weight loss. Although a tummy tuck alone will not remove excess abdominal fat, it is often done in conjunction with a liposuction procedure to achieve a flat contour to both the upper and lower abdominal region.
  • Eyelid surgery: Eyelid surgery removes excess loose skin and fat around the upper and lower eyes. The procedure can address puffy or hooded eyelids, as well as bags and dark circles under the eyes. This procedure is often combined with a forehead lift, which tightens up the upper third of the face.
  • Breast lift: This procedure will lift sagging, drooping breasts into a higher position, giving them a more youthful appearance. It is not uncommon for women who are done with childbearing and breastfeeding to opt for this procedure in order to return their breasts to their size and shape prior to pregnancy.

Non-surgical Procedures

  • Botulinum toxin: BOTOX® Cosmetic, as it is commonly known, relaxes the muscles around brows. This reduces the appearance of frown lines, making the face look smoother and younger. The effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic generally last anywhere from nine to 12 months.
  • Hyaluronic acid: Dermal filler can be used around the eyes and lips to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It replaces your body's natural collagen, which fills out the skin over the skeletal framework.
  • Hair removal: This procedure involves use of highly concentrated lasers that are absorbed by the hair follicles, which then cause the hair to fall out over the next month. It can be used on the face, arms, legs, and bikini area. You may need several treatments if your hair is particularly dark or coarse.
  • Chemical peel: This procedure uses a mild acid to remove the topmost layer of facial skin, called the epidermis, to reveal smoother skin underneath. It can also be used to treat blemishes and acne scars.
  • Microdermabrasion: This procedure treats the same conditions as a chemical peel, but instead uses a fine wire brush or diamond wheel to remove the epidermis.

As we can see from this information, non-surgical cosmetic procedures are still more popular than surgical ones. Interestingly, liposuctions finally cracked the top 10 most popular cosmetic procedures, coming in at eighth place.