Achieving natural-looking breasts is perhaps the biggest concern among Dr. Paul Pin's patients who undergo augmentation. Of course, the point of a breast augmentation procedure is to keep the augmented breasts in proportion with the patient's overall frame, while at the same time enhancing their size and shape. It is certainly true that Dr. Pin's skills and expertise play a large role in assuring that the augmented breasts will appear as natural as possible.

However, achieving natural-looking breasts is not just up to Dr. Pin. Patients can play a significant role in improving the outcome of their surgery. Here are some ways in which you can increase the odds of a natural-looking outcome from your augmentation surgery.

Prepare Ahead of Time

Getting natural-looking results doesn't just start on the day of surgery. It actually begins several weeks prior, as you take steps to prepare your body.

Alcohol and tobacco use: Dr. Pin suggests stopping any alcohol or tobacco use at least two weeks prior to surgery. While it would be optimal to use your upcoming surgery as a reason to quit altogether, you shouldn't resume alcohol or tobacco use until at least four weeks after surgery. Tobacco smoke can dry out the delicate breast skin, and alcohol can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during and after surgery. It may take longer for the incisions to heal, and they may not heal properly, leading to excessive scarring.

Finding Your Proper Size

As mentioned previously, a breast augmentation is not just about making the breasts as big as possible. Rather, it involves finding the best size and shape to fit your body so that you can achieve a natural look. Dr. Pin has a number of sizers (sample implants in various sizes to place under your bra) to help you determine your optimal augmentation size.

In addition to size, you will also need to consider the best implant profile for your body frame. The profile is the ratio between the implant's height and width. For example, if you have a narrow chest, you will probably want to select implants with a high profile (the height is greater than the width) in order to avoid the breasts looking too crowded on your chest. Conversely, you will likely want an implant with a low profile (the width is greater than the height) if you have a wide chest. This will avoid the appearance of your breasts looking as though they are resting under the armpits.

Reducing Bruising and Swelling

Both bruising and swelling around the incision sites are part of the body's natural defensive response to the skin being cut open. Reducing bruising and swelling will help the body recover more quickly, with minimal scarring. Dr. Pin will provide you with a special compression garment to wear for the first two weeks following surgery to help reduce the initial bruising and swelling. Once the incisions have fully healed over, you can use cold compresses and gel packs to reduce the amount and duration of bruising and swelling. The herb Arnica montanta may also be useful in this regard.

Obviously, your goal is to have breasts that look as natural as possible. Dr. Pin will work with you toward that goal, so that you will be happy with your final outcome.