With warmer temperatures bearing down upon us, it is the start of shorts and bathing-suit weather. You may have worked hard all through fall and winter to get your body in shape for this time of year, and are eager to show off the results of your efforts to your family and friends.

You may find, however, that you still have some trouble spots around the thighs, which have not fully responded to your exercise routine and sensible diet. On the other hand, you may also have loose, flabby skin around the inner and outer thighs following dramatic weight loss.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery as a way to address either of these thigh issues, you may be confused as to which procedure will best suit your needs. Fortunately, Dr. Paul Pin has a great deal of experience with both thigh liposuction and thigh lift procedures, and can help you determine which procedure will work for you. Below is a quick run-down of each procedure.

Thigh Liposuction Procedure

A liposuction procedure is specifically designed to remove stubborn areas of fat that have not appropriately responded to regular exercise and a sensible, low-fat diet. You can think of this procedure as one that helps enhance the hard work you have already put into getting in shape for summer. A thigh liposuction procedure can be done alone, or in conjunction with a thigh lift.

In this procedure, Dr. Pin will make a series of small incisions around the inner and outer thighs at the areas that are specifically targeted for fat removal. He will then insert a thin, hollow metal tube, called a cannula, through the incisions to vacuum out the fat. In some instances, he may use cold, low-level lasers, or ultrasound to break up the fat, which makes it easier to remove. Dr. Pin may also elect to perform a tumescent liposuction, in which he will inject a mixture of a local anesthetic and epinephrine just below the skin in the targeted areas. This will cause the fat tissue to swell up, thereby making it easier to access for removal.

Thigh Lift Procedure

A thigh lift procedure will remove excess skin and tissue following weight loss, as well as tighten up any flabby muscles on the inner or outer thighs. Although this procedure does not remove excess fat, it can be performed in conjunction with a liposuction procedure.

In a thigh lift surgical procedure, Dr. Pin will make an incision around the area of loose skin, tissue, and muscle. He will then gently lift up the skin and tissue, and then suture together loose muscles to tighten them. Finally, he will re-drape the skin and tissue over the tightened muscle structures, suture everything back into place, and remove the excess skin and tissue.

You have put so much effort into getting your body in shape for summer that you should proudly be able to show it off in thigh-baring shorts or bathing suits. A thigh liposuction or thigh lift procedure may improve your confidence as the temperatures start to soar.