If you are looking to tone your thighs as part of an overall weight loss program, you may soon find that while you have indeed lost weight, you are left with excess skin and flabby muscle tone in your thighs. This can be particularly noticeable if you have lost a dramatic amount of weight, such as following bariatric surgery.

Your frustration is certainly understandable, as you have already embarked on a weight loss program of regular exercise and a low fat diet prior to surgery, and will be continuing on that program to maintain your lower weight afterward. Furthermore, excess skin and loose muscle can be noticeable on the lower portion of the body, particularly around the thighs. When excess fat begins to accumulate on the body, it often starts on the thighs, which means that the thighs are also often the last place to lose excess fat.

Dr. Paul Pin has many patients who have concerns about excess skin and loose muscles on their inner and outer thighs following weight loss. What causes this excess, and what can be done to correct for it?

Skin Elasticity

The skin is designed to have a certain amount of elasticity. In other words, if it is stretched, it will conform back to its original shape once it is released. This elasticity is due to collagen fibers, which provide the skin with fullness and firmness, as well as allow it to stretch. However, these fibers can be broken down if the skin is stretched too far out of shape, such as from excessive weight gain. Once all the weight is lost, the skin is unable to conform to the new body contours.

Thigh Lift Procedure

A thigh lift procedure is designed to remove excess loose skin around the thighs, as well as tighten up any underlying muscles. The procedure can be performed on the inner or outer thighs. The procedure can also be combined with a liposuction procedure to remove pockets of excess fat or a body lift in other areas, such as the abdomen, hips, or buttocks.

There are several incision patterns that Dr. Pin can use, but the most versatile is what is known as a medial thigh lift. This can be used to lift the inner or outer thigh, as well as the front or back. This incision pattern starts from just below the groin at the front of the inner thigh, then wrapping around the upper leg to the buttock. The pattern essentially follows the opening for a pair of women’s panties or men’s briefs.

Once the incisions are made, Dr. Pin will then gently lift and peel back the skin and underlying tissue. He will re-drape the skin over the new body contour, remove any excess, and then suture everything back into place.

You’ve done so much work to improve not only the shape of your body, but your overall health. You have set a regular exercise and sensible diet routine. A thigh lift procedure is just the finishing touch you need to show off the results of your hard work.