Whether viewed from the front or from the side, the nose is a prominent facial feature. People with large, crooked, or aesthetically flawed noses can benefit from a rhinoplasty (nose job) at our Dallas, TX plastic surgery center. Dr. Paul Pin can alter the size, shape, and angle of the nose through advanced surgical techniques.

Some patients suffer from an aesthetic condition known as a tension nose. The term tension nose may seem vague, so let's go over the basics of this problem and how it can be treated.

What Does "Tension Nose" Mean?

The primary characteristic of a tension nose has to do with the way the upper lip seems to hang from the bottom of the nose. The upper lip often appears shorter as a result. This is generally due to an overgrown nasal septum that extends down to the top of the lip. In some cases, the person's upper lip seems pulled up too close to the nose, particularly when someone is viewed in profile.

In addition to the pulled/shorter upper lip, a tension nose is also characterized by excessive protrusion of the nose, a dorsal hump on the bridge, and a downward angle at the tip of the nose.

How Rhinoplasty Works

A tension nose can lead people to feel quite self-conscious about their appearance, especially given how dominant that nose can be as a facial feature. Thanks to rhinoplasty, subtle changes can be made to correct aesthetic issues with a tension nose.

During rhinoplasty, a plastic surgeon is able to alter the bone, cartilage, and various tissues of the nose. In the process, the nose can be reshaped for a more desirable appearance. By performing rhinoplasty on a patient with a tension nose, the rest of the patient's facial features can stand out more.

Rhinoplasty for a Tension Nose: Surgical Options

Each patient's needs are different, which is why the approach to treating a tension nose can vary. Some of the options are:

  • Altering the Septum: To address the overgrown septum, a plastic surgeon can remove some of the septum that extends down to the lip. This reduces the amount of pull on the upper lip.
  • Removing the Dorsal Hump: To address a dorsal hump, a plastic surgeon can remove some of the bone and cartilage along the nasal bridge.
  • Altering the Tip of the Nose: To address the protrusion and angle of the tip of the nose, a surgeon can use sutures, cartilage grafts, or other techniques to make the tip of the nose more appealing.

All three of these methods may be considered in combination to correct a tension nose. The surgery may be performed as a closed rhinoplasty (all incisions concealed in the nostrils) or as an open rhinoplasty (an incision made along the skin between the nostrils). The ideal technique and approach to your surgery can be discussed in full detail during your consultation.

The Results of Rhinoplasty for Tension Nose

Patients who undergo rhinoplasty for a tension nose generally report positive outcomes from surgery. The nose better complements their other facial features, and looks better viewed from the front or the side. Since the incisions are carefully placed, there is very low risk of visible scarring on the nose itself.

Learn More about Facial Plastic Surgery

For more information about rhinoplasty and how it can help you, we encourage you to contact a skilled cosmetic plastic surgeon. We'll be more than happy to answer your questions and address your concerns about the procedure and what it entails.