Congratulations! You’ve finally decided that it is time to get that tummy tuck procedure you’ve been wanting. Whether it’s to get back into shape following a pregnancy or to put the finishing touches on your efforts to lose a substantial amount of weight, this is something you have been eagerly anticipating for a long time.

Dr. Paul Pin recommends that patients take time in advance to properly prepare for the tummy tuck procedure. In fact, Dr. Pin suggests starting your preparations six months out, if possible. Read more to see his suggested preparation timeline so that you can enjoy a smooth recovery period.

Six Months before Surgery

Once you’ve decided to commit to undergoing tummy tuck surgery, you will need to get serious about your exercise and diet routine. A tummy tuck procedure is designed to remove excess skin and tighten up loose muscles following weight loss, but it will not actually help you lose weight.

Therefore, you should be within five or so pounds of your goal weight. Dr. Pin also recommends that your weight be stable by the time you are at the six-month mark, prior to surgery. If your weight is still fluctuating, it may affect the final outcome from your tummy tuck procedure.

This is also an excellent time to quit smoking and limit your alcohol intake. Cigarette smoke can dry out the skin, making it age prematurely. This can also mean that it will take longer for your sutures to heal, increasing the risk of excessive scarring. Alcohol can also increase your risk for bleeding during and after surgery, which can also delay healing time.

Four Months before Surgery

At this point, you should be near your ideal weight and fitness goals. You will also have met Dr. Pin for your consultation visit at this point. The two of you will have discussed your goals, any concerns you may have, as well as what the next steps will be in the process. Of course, you should continue your exercise and diet routine to keep on track with your fitness goals.

Three Months before Surgery

This is when you will need to begin making arrangements for being away from work, as well as arranging a support network to help you with transportation, care during your recovery period, and any child or pet care that may be required.

Keep in mind that your post-surgery recovery time could be up to three weeks, depending on the amount of work that is done.

One Month to Week of Surgery

Now that you are in the home stretch, you should be taking care of the final details of what you will need to have finalized before surgery. This will include:

  • Filling any prescriptions that Dr. Pin has given you
  • Obtaining a medical clearance from your regular doctor, if needed
  • Getting any lab work done that Dr. Pin may want prior to surgery
  • Preparing and freezing meals in advance so that you will not need to cook
  • Setting up your main resting area with extra pillows, tissues, and bottled water to keep you hydrated