Many patients want to improve their appearance with facial fillers, but are weary of treatment because they do not want to look like they have had work done. Skilled, board certified plastic surgeons and dermatologists can enhance patients' features while still maintaining a natural looking appearance. When too much filler is injected, it can result in trout pout or an overly puffy face.

Trout Pout

One of the most well known and most obvious signs of facial work is the trout pout. The trout pout refers to men and women that have a larger upper lip than the bottom lip. This is a tell tale sign of the use of fillers or fat transfer to plump up the lips. Patients that want a more subtle result can have a smaller amount of filler injected into the lips.

Puffed Up Face

Dermal fillers are popular wrinkle treatment option. Products such as Restylane® can be injected into the folds of the skin to smooth out wrinkles. However, when surgeons get too aggressive with filler injections, it can result in a puffed up face that is an obvious sign of dermal filler injections.