Patients who decide to undergo a breast augmentation cosmetic surgery procedure may be eager to show off their new figure as soon as possible. However, it may take some time for the breast implants to settle into their final shape. This is more common with implants placed under the pectoral muscles. The implants may not be in their final position for several months due to a variety of factors, including swelling of surrounding muscle, anatomical considerations, or the thickness of the patient's skin. Both cosmetic surgeons and patients need to remember that the initial location of the implants may shift slightly, either vertically or horizontally.

What Patients Can Do to Promote Implant Settling

There are several techniques that will help implants settle into their proper position following surgery.

Compression: Following breast implant surgery, patients will be given a special chest compression garment to wear. This garment will be tight across the breasts to reduce the amount of swelling. Depending on the direction in which the implants need to settle, the compression garment will press down on the breasts to help move the implants to their correct location. A sports bra or Ace bandage can also be used for compression. Patients will generally need some sort of compression garment or surgical bra for several weeks following surgery.

Sleeping position: Certain sleeping positions may help implants to properly settle. As an example, sleeping in a prone (face down) position will exert more pressure on the upper part of the breasts, helping to shift the implants downward if they are too high. Conversely, sleeping in a supine (face up) position may help shift implants upward, as gravity will naturally push the breasts upward in this position. Sleeping on one side or the other may help shift implants horizontally to the left or right.

Massage exercises:  In some cases, special breast massage exercises may help the implants move into their final position. The goal is to maintain the size of the implant pocket so that the implants can move around into the proper position. Essentially, the patient is shifting the implants around inside the pocket in order to maintain the proper space. For example, gently pushing the implants toward each other may improve cleavage, while pushing them up from the underside may help combat capsular contracture and "bottoming out" of the implants. Pushing downward may prevent the implants from riding too high, and pushing them away from each other may help prevent the "uniboob" effect of the implants being too close to one another. There are a number of YouTube videos available to demonstrate the massage techniques.

What if the Implants Do Not Properly Settle?

Breast implants should settle into their proper position within four months. After this time, it is highly unlikely they will settle further.

The best advice is for the patient and the cosmetic surgeon to agree before surgery upon the desired implant placement. To learn more about the breast augmentation procedure and settling of breast implants, contact Dr. Paul Pin's practice.