When looking at the various features of the face, the nose stands out for two important reasons. First, it has the most dimensionality of any of the facial features, meaning that it projects the furthest outward from the face. Second, it is the single largest facial feature. These two facts are important in terms of facial symmetry because even a small problem with either the size or shape of the nose can appear magnified. 

Even an issue with just one part of the nose, such as the tip of the nose, can appear magnified. Dr. Paul Pin has consulted with a number of patients who are looking to improve just their nasal tip in an effort to improve the appearance of the entire nose and, by extension, their entire facial appearance. One of the more common issues that he sees is what is known as an over-projected nasal tip. How can you tell if this might be an issue with your nose? If so, what can be done to correct it?

What Is an Over-projected Nasal Tip?

An over-projected nasal tip, in simple terms, extends too far out from the face. An over-projected nasal tip is more obvious in a profile (side) view than from a front (portrait) view. It can be the result of genetics, in which the tip or the septum (the divider between the left and right nostrils) has too much cartilage. In other cases, an over-projected nasal tip can be the result of a previous rhinoplasty (nose job) that addressed issues in other parts of the nose, such as a hump further up the length of the nose, but did not take the nasal tip into consideration. 

Surgical Procedure to Correct an Over-projected Nasal Tip

Dr. Pin’s goal in performing your rhinoplasty is to move the tip of your nose further in, toward your face, while also keeping it in proportion to the rest of your nose and your other facial features. There are several techniques that he can use to accomplish this, depending on the amount of over-projection to the nasal tip, as well as the root cause of the problem. 

In some cases, Dr. Pin can remove cartilage from the highest point of the layer of cartilage that runs from the nasal tip to the underside of the nose. This will tuck in the nasal tip. Alternately, if the cartilage at the underside of the nose is over-projected, it may need to be completely detached to be moved up to the correct position. If the tip also appears to droop downward, Dr. Pin can rotate it upward. Finally, many people who have an over-projected nasal tip also often have a high nasal bridge. Dr. Pin can correct this by removing cartilage along the center of the nose. 

An overly projected nasal tip can appear to overwhelm the rest of the facial features. A rhinoplasty procedure to reduce the size of the nasal tip and pull it in toward the face can put it back in proportion with the rest of the facial features.