Patients who elect to undergo a body contouring procedure to remove excess skin following dramatic weight loss have already proven themselves to be committed to taking care of their body. They often have a regular exercise regime and eat a sensible diet low in fat. The body contouring procedure is really just that final touch so that they can proudly show off the results of all their hard work. Of course, as part of this commitment to a healthy lifestyle, following all of Dr. Paul Pin's steps for a full and healthy recovery will allow patients to have the best possible outcome and healing following the procedure.

Body Contouring Procedure

A body contouring procedure is designed to remove excess skin and tissue from various parts of the body following dramatic weight loss. In some cases, the underlying muscles can also be toned. A body contouring procedure can be performed in a variety areas, such as the abdominal region (tummy tuck or abdominoplasty), upper or lower arms (arm lift), or inner or outer thighs (thigh lift). A body contouring procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with a liposuction procedure to remove stubborn areas of fat from the affected area.

In a body contouring procedure, a set of incisions is made in the area to be tightened. The skin and underlying tissue are then gently lifted up, pulled tight, and sutured back into place, after which the excess is removed. In the case of certain procedures, such as an upper abdominal tummy tuck procedure, the underlying muscles will also be tightened up with sutures.

Recovery from Body Contouring

Perhaps the most important tip to speed recovery from a body contouring procedure is for patents to begin moving around as soon as possible following the procedure, in most cases by the first day following the procedure. This will speed the recovery process by helping circulation, which in turn will help the body flush out any accumulated fluids following the procedure. Patients should try to move a little bit more each day.

It is also important for patients to carefully maintain any surgical drains that have been left in place to remove excess blood and fluids. Dr. Pin will ask patients to empty these drains several times a day and measure the amount of collected fluid. This will help him determine when the surgical drains can safely be removed.

Another key part of a healthy recovery from a body contouring procedure is protecting against infection. Any surgical dressing should be kept clean and dry. Patients should wash their hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before changing any dressings and avoid touching the incisions directly until they have fully healed over. If Dr. Pin has prescribed antibiotics, these should be taken as directed until all the medication has been finished.

A significant part of a full recovery is an understanding that a body contouring procedure is still a surgery, even though it is elective. It should not be treated lightly simply because it is not required to treat a medical illness or injury.