With today's technology, liposuction has become one of the most minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedures, with little pain and a very short recovery period. Because of this, it can be easy for patients to forget that liposuction is still a surgical procedure, and that the body requires time to heal after any surgery. Indeed, there are certain things patients can do to ease their recovery from liposuction.

Be Patient

Perhaps the most important bit of advice that patients recovering from liposuction can follow is to be patient with themselves. Attempting to take on too much too soon after surgery will only lengthen the recovery time. Patients need to learn to listen to their bodies so as not to overexert themselves.

Immediate Post-operative Recovery

Liposuction is performed either with general anesthesia or local anesthesia under sedation. Immediate recovery from general anesthesia will take several hours, as opposed to recovery from local anesthesia, which is almost immediate. Regardless of which anesthesia is used, most cosmetic surgeons will recommend resting for the first few days following liposuction.

One to Two Weeks Post-surgery

Bruising and swelling: There will be some bruising and swelling for the first one to two weeks following liposuction surgery. This is the body's natural reaction to any surgery. The use of cold compresses and the herbal formulation Arnica montana will help reduce bruising and swelling. Patients may be given a compression bandage or garment to wear for the first week after surgery. This will also reduce swelling.

Pain: Along with bruising and swelling, pain is also the body's natural response to any surgery. The cosmetic surgeon will usually prescribe pain medication to be taken for the first seven to 10 days following liposuction surgery. Patients should take any pain medication as prescribed. Additionally, patients should try to be up and moving as soon after surgery as possible. This will prevent soreness and stiffness later on.

Two Weeks Post-surgery and Beyond

By this point, the initial bruising, swelling, and pain will likely have subsided. However, it is important to remember that the body is still healing. Normal activities can generally be resumed by this time.

Exercise: Patients can return to a light exercise routine at about two to three weeks following surgery and be back to their normal exercise routine within four to six weeks following liposuction surgery. This is important because it will reduce any residual soreness or pain as the body grows used to exerting itself at the usual pace.

Scarring: Scars should be starting to fade at this point after surgery, although it will likely take several months for them to completely fade. Once the incisions have completely healed, a scar cream or Vitamin E oil can be applied to help the scars heal faster.

Although liposuction is minimally invasive compared to a tummy tuck procedure, the body will still require time to heal following surgery. Patients need to go at their body's natural pace to shorten healing time.

Contact the Dallas practice of Paul Pin, MD, to schedule a liposuction consultation.