There’s no question that BOTOX® Cosmetic has been the most popular cosmetic procedure year after year. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the leading professional organization for the specialty, its surgeon members performed more than 7.2 million BOTOX procedures in 2017, which was 2 percent more than the 7 million procedures that were performed in 2016.

As expected, the majority of patients who underwent BOTOX treatment were between the ages of 40 and 54, which represented 4 million treatments, or 57 percent of the total number of BOTOX procedures performed that year.

Interestingly, 1.3 million treatments, or 18 percent, of BOTOX treatments were done on patients between the ages of 30 and 39 in 2017.

Today, some patients undergo BOTOX injections while in their mid-20s, not to correct lines and wrinkles on the face due to aging, but instead as a preventative measure to slow down the aging process. Can preventative BOTOX treatments starting at a younger age actually delay signs of aging? What might be some of the side effects? Dr. Paul Pin explains.

What Age Can You Start BOTOX?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved BOTOX for adults between the ages of 18 and 65. However, the real answer to how old you should be to start BOTOX treatments is that it depends on your specific case.

Some of Dr. Pin’s patients who are in their 20s may already be showing some lines and wrinkles around their brows or the outer edges of their eyes. This may be due to a combination of excessive sun exposure and smoking, both of which can prematurely age the skin by drying it out and making it look tough and leathery.

BOTOX can minimize the appearance of wrinkles. However, in most cases, Dr. Pin recommends waiting at least until you are in your late 20s before trying preventive BOTOX treatments.

Preventive BOTOX Treatment Schedule

Dr. Pin can do your BOTOX treatments in his office, and each session generally takes only 15 minutes and does not require any anesthetic other than a topical numbing agent, such as lidocaine. You will generally need to get treatments about every three to four months, depending on how quickly your body breaks down the BOTOX.

Side Effects of BOTOX Treatments

BOTOX does have certain side effects, which you should consider before undergoing any treatment. Most of the side effects will go away within one to two weeks after a treatment. However, if you have an allergic reaction, you should come back to see Dr. Deuber right away. Symptoms of an allergic reaction might include:

  • Pain, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites
  • Headache, achiness, or flu-like symptoms
  • Droopy eyelids or cockeyed eyebrows
  • Crooked smile or drooling
  • Either excessively dry eyes or excessive tearing

BOTOX has been proven very effective in reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the brows, at the outer edges of the eyes, and around the mouth. It can also be used as a preventative treatment for the signs of aging.