It is no surprise that many parts of the body will start to sag or droop as patients age. Although many people will just accept this as a natural course of aging, some will seek treatment. This is particularly true for women with sagging breasts. Women may be self-conscious about their breasts and wish to retain a more youthful appearance. While a well-structured bra can do a great deal to lift the breasts into a higher position under clothes, it may not be enough to satisfy some women. As a result, these women will come to see Dr. Paul Pin about whether or not a breast lift cosmetic surgical procedure is a good option for them to consider.

Breast Lift Procedure Options

There are three main procedure types that can be used to lift the breasts. Much depends upon the size of the breasts, how much lifting the patient needs, and whether or not the patient is undergoing a breast augmentation or reduction procedure at the same time.

  • Benelli lift: This procedure is best for women who only need a small amount of lift or who have small breasts to begin with. An incision is made around the areola (the darkened skin around the nipple), which is then repositioned higher on the breast.
  • Anchor lift: This option is best for women with larger breasts who require more lift. The technique can be used for those women who are having either breast reduction or augmentation surgery done at the same time as the breast lift. In addition to the incision around the areola, a vertical incision is made from the underside of the areola down to the inframammary crease (the point where the bottom of the breast meets the chest wall). A horizontal incision is also made following the curve of the inframammary crease, giving the procedure its unique anchor shape.
  • Lollipop lift: This procedure is halfway between the Benelli and the anchor lift procedures. It is best for women with a moderate amount of breast sag. It involves the incision around the areola with the vertical incision that runs down to the inframammary crease, giving it the shape of a lollipop.

Advantages of a Lollipop Breast Lift Procedure

Because the lollipop lift technique is the "middle ground" between the Benelli and anchor lift procedures, it can provide more lift for women with moderate sag, but without the more extensive scarring that may result from the anchor lift technique. Furthermore, a lollipop lift technique may also add more fullness to the upper part, or pole, of the breast. This will provide some of the extra fullness from a smaller breast augmentation technique, but without actually inserting implants. This makes it an ideal option for women with small to medium sized breasts who want the look from an augmentation procedure but without the additional potential scarring that results from the more extensive procedure.

Depending upon the size and shape of the breasts, as well as the goals that the patient wishes to achieve, a lollipop lift procedure might be the ideal answer to providing enough lift but with minimal scarring.

Contact Paul Pin, MD, today to schedule a breast lift consultation.