Liposuction of the thighs is intended to slim down the inner or outer thighs of women and men who accumulate excess fat in the upper legs. Scarring is very minimal and the recovery time is relatively brief, making this treatment an ideal option for patients looking to improve the appearance of the thighs.

Candidacy for Liposuction of the Thighs

Good candidates for liposuction of the thighs include:

  • Patients over the age of 18, at a stable weight, who have excess fat on their inner or outer thighs.
  • Candidates should be in good overall health. Any chronic conditions must be well-managed before proceeding with surgery. Diabetes, for example, can limit the body's ability to fight off infection and to heal.
  • Liposuction is not a replacement for healthy diet and exercise.
  • Older people should be aware that skin loses its elasticity with age, which could lead to sagging and loose skin where fat is removed; in these cases, a thigh lift procedure can be combined with liposuction to reduce excess fat and skin.

Preparing for the Procedure

Adequately preparing for liposuction of the thighs can lead to more satisfactory results.

  • Smoking should be avoided for at least several weeks, if not permanently, before and after surgery.
  • Patients may be asked to fast the night before and the day of surgery if they are going under general anesthesia.
  • NSAIDs and other anticoagulants should not be taken for one to two weeks prior to and after surgery.
  • An antibiotic may be administered before or after the procedure to inhibit infection.
  • The day of surgery, the patient will meet briefly with the surgeon to ask any last minute questions or express any concerns. The doctor will then mark the patient's thighs in the areas where fat will be suctioned.


There are a variety of techniques used to perform liposuction of the thighs. The goal is to loosen the fat enough so that it can be suctioned out without disturbing the surrounding tissues.  Liposuction techniques include:

  • These include the basic suction-assisted liposuction (SAL), ultrasound-assisted (UAL) and external ultrasound-assisted (XUAL or EUAL), which use ultrasound waves to loosen the adipose tissue.
  • Power-assisted (PAL), which uses vibrations to loosen the fat.
  • Laser-assisted, which melts the fat.
  • The tumescent technique, which involves the use of an injection solution that causes the fat tissue to swell up and blood vessels to shrink.

General anesthesia or local may be used at the doctor's discretion. The patient must have someone to drive him or her home after the procedure.


Recovery can take anywhere from one to six weeks.

  • Patients should expect bruising, swelling, and a moderate amount of pain for the first few days. Some also experience numbness. Bruising generally subsides in a few weeks, whereas swelling may take a month or more.
  • A painkiller may be prescribed in addition to over-the-counter medication. Pain may persist for one to two weeks.
  • A compression garment will be recommended; this should be worn on the legs for several weeks after surgery. This will help to tighten the skin and reduce both swelling and the risk of clotting.
  • Incisions are very small. It is recommended that patients keep the incision sites out of the sun to lessen the appearance of the resulting scar.
  • In the months and years following, patients should monitor their diet and exercise regimen to prevent weight gain.

To find out if you are a good candidate for liposuction of the thighs, contact the Dallas practice of Dr. Paul Pin.