Many woman notice that after pregnancy, they have a layer of fat that is difficult to get rid of, no matter how vigorously they exercise. During pregnancy, the body naturally gains weight and adds a protective layer of fat, not only to protect the baby while it is in the womb, but also to ensure that it has all of the nutrients it needs before birth. It is a precautionary measure that almost every woman's body takes, in order to ensure that the baby is cared for, even if there is a lack of food. It is a response left over from the early days in our evolution, when food sources were non consistent and a growing baby needed protection from the possibility of famine.

Though, for most pregnant women, finding food is no longer an issue, the body will still gain weight. This weight gain is inevitable and also extremely necessary. While some women are terrified of becoming "fat" when they are pregnant, this fat plays an important role in the development of the baby.

However, once the woman has had the baby, the fat may remain. Though she can diet and workout daily, the fat around her midsection especially may remain, no matter how many crunches she does a day. For women, this fat around the stomach area is the most difficult to lose, especially after a pregnancy, when the body is still in repair and caretaker mode. There is an easier way, however, than struggling with diets and workouts that do not really get the job done, at least not as quickly as most women would prefer.

Plastic Surgery after Pregnancy

Instead of fighting the uphill battle of post-partum weight loss, some women opt instead to get liposuction after pregnancy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin and removes fat around the midsection, thighs, hips, or other areas where the woman gains weight during pregnancy. In addition, surgeons may also tighten the skin, to ensure that it does not sag, once the fat is gone. Surgeons can perform tummy tuck or thigh lift surgery on areas where excess skin remains. These procedures involve the removal of excess skin. Tummy tuck surgery has the added benefit of tightening the abdominal muscles. This combination treatment of liposuction and skin tightening treatment is a quick and effective way to ensure that fat and excess skin is gone for food.

Stomach liposuction and tummy tuck procedures should only be performed if a woman is sure she is finished having children. If a woman gets pregnant again, the fat and excess skin will become a problem again after pregnancy. Liposuction and the tummy tuck that generally follows liposuction should only be undertaken once the woman has had all the children that she desires and can commit to not getting pregnant again. This will prevent the reversal of the initial surgical results.

To schedule a consultation for liposuction after pregnancy and find out if you are a candidate, contact the practice of Dr. Paul Pin.