Exparel - Less Painful Tummy TuckThe biggest problem with an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck, has always been post-operative pain, which has been compared to that of a C-section.  A new, ultra long-acting local anesthetic has reduced this pain dramatically.

Traditionally, tummy tuck patients would be seen walking hunched over to reduce their pain.  Narcotics that treated pain resulted in significant nausea, constipation, itching, rashes, etc.  Now there is Exparel.  This is an old local anesthetic called bupivacaine that is bound a  small particle which allows controlled release of the medication for up to three days.  During a tummy tuck, the medicine is injected into the site of the muscle repair, as well as into the surrounding skin. When patients awaken from their surgery, they have considerably less pain, and thus less need for narcotics.  Since the medicine long acting, patients "miss" the most difficult part of the recovery.  By the time it wears off, most of the worst pain is over. Patients can mobilize more quickly, which has the added benefit of probably reducing the risk of blood clots.

Thanks to Exparel, patients interested in tummy tucks no longer have  to fear being in agony post-operatively.