The arms are often the most difficult area to tone through exercise and weight loss. Often, the arms will shed excess fat, but still leave behind excess, loose skin. In other cases, the arms may only have a few troublesome pockets of fat, but these stubborn areas may also be difficult to tone. For those patients who have worked very hard to get into shape, it can be frustrating to not have arms that match the rest of the body shape.

These are the patients who often come to see Dr. Paul Pin for solutions to arms that are not as fit and toned as the rest of the body. Patients who come to see Dr. Pin about cosmetic surgical options are not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the rate of patients undergoing some type of cosmetic procedure on the arms jumped by more than 4,000 percent over the past decade, from 2003 to 2013. Given this large number, it may be useful for patients to know all of their options for cosmetically contouring both the upper and lower arms.

Liposuction for the Arms

Some patients may feel that their arms are mostly satisfactory but that there may be some stubborn pockets of fat that have resisted all diet, exercise, and lifestyle efforts to remove them. In such cases, the skin may have an uneven, lumpy, or dimpled appearance. Dr. Pin recommends that these patients consider a liposuction procedure.

This procedure works very much like liposuction for other parts of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs. A series of small incisions is made at specific areas on the arms that contain excess fat. A thin metal tube, called a cannula, is inserted through these incisions in order to gently suction away excess fat. This procedure can be performed on either the upper or lower arms.

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) Procedure

In cases of sudden or dramatic weight loss, patients may be left with excess, flabby skin hanging off the upper or lower arms. In many cases, patients may feel that the arms do not fit with the rest of the body or that they may even detract from the rest of the body contour. For these patients, Dr. Pin recommends considering a brachioplasty, or arm lift procedure.

An arm lift procedure is more involved than liposuction. In the procedure, Dr. Pin will make incisions into the arms to allow him to gently lift away the skin and underlying tissue, tighten it up, remove the excess skin and tissue, drape the remainder back over the arms, and then suture it back into place. This procedure can be done alone or in conjunction with a liposuction procedure to remove excess fat at the same time. It can be performed on either the upper arms.

Patients who have worked hard to have a toned, fit body want every part of it to reflect their hard work and effort. Dr. Pin can help them achieve that look for their arms with either liposuction or an arm lift procedure. Contact Dr. Paul Pin today.