Traditional vs laser eyelid surgeryCosmetic surgery patients interested in undergoing rejuvenation of the eye area may have heard about laser eyelid surgery. The term has caused confusion among patients interested in undergoing treatment for bags beneath the eyes, heavy upper eyelid skin, and wrinkling around the eyes. Laser eyelid surgery can refer to two different procedures. Here, Dallas and Fort Worth plastic surgeon Paul Pin details the differences among the cosmetic treatments that can be performed to rejuvenate the eyes.

Eyelid Surgery Incisions - The Scalpel or Laser?

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can be performed through an incision that is made with a traditional surgical scalpel or a laser. The laser was intended to reduce trauma to surrounding facial tissue during surgery, thereby limiting the recovery and severity of post-surgical side effects. However, the laser has been shown more effective than the scalpel; results and side effects produced by the laser are comparable to those produced by the scalpel. Most surgeons prefer the use of the scalpel to a laser during eyelid surgery. In general, patients should choose a board certified plastic surgeon who has performed a number of blepharoplasty procedures. The experience and skill of the surgeon is more important than the use of the laser versus the scalpel.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a non-surgical treatment that can restore a more youthful look to the skin around the eyes. The best candidates for this treatment are those that have little excess fat and mild to moderate amounts of excess skin beneath the eyes. Laser skin resurfacing is often combined with eyelid surgery or the use of dermal fillers.

Dermal Fillers and Injectables

Dermal fillers such as Restylane®, RADIESSE®, and JUVÉDERM® can be used to improve the appearance of many facial imperfections, including wrinkles and skin depressions. When used on the area around the eyes, dermal fillers are generally intended to add volume to under eye circles. By injecting these products into the recessed hollow, surgeons can produce a smoother and more youthful contour.

Injectables such as BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport® are best used on wrinkles around the eyes and forehead. These products are most commonly used to smooth the vertical wrinkles that form between the brows, as well as the horizontal lines that run across the forehead. The use of BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport® may be combined with that of dermal fillers to achieve the desired appearance.

Which Procedure Is Right for Me?

Although many patients spend many hours searching the Internet for information in an attempt to self diagnose their unique conditions, it is a good idea to meet with reputable, trusted plastic surgeons in your area to get a professional opinion. The amount of excess fat, skin laxity, and wrinkling that are present will be factored in when formulating your best possible treatment plan.

Patients in the Dallas and Fort Worth area can schedule a consultation with Dr. Paul Pin to find out if eyelid surgery, laser skin resurfacing, dermal fillers, or an injectable such as BOTOX® Cosmetic is best suited to their needs.