Thanks to the latest procedures in plastic surgery and cosmetic skin care, we’ve been able to help patients look younger, more lively, and far more refreshed. It’s no surprise that our patients want to know how to make these benefits last as long as possible. There’s a lot you can do at home, and we’re more than happy to offer advice.

In addition regular exercise and protecting your skin from sun damage, your diet can have a major impact on your looks. Let’s explore this issue below and offer a few tips on what to eat and what foods you should avoid.

Why Certain Foods Are Better for You

People who eat healthy, well-balanced diets tend to be healthier and maintain a better overall weight. Simply put, some foods are more nutritious than others. It’s important to eat right so your body can function properly.

The most ideal diet is one that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. You don’t necessarily need to be a vegan or vegetarian, but a diet that’s mostly produce means vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and fiber for normal bowel function. It’s important to have lean sources of protein in your diet, such as nuts, beans, chickpeas, tofu, and lean meats. Whole grains are best since they aren’t heavily processed and contain lots of fiber.

The Problem with Processed Foods

Eating clean is ideal since you’re having whole foods with ingredients you can see. Processed foods have a lot of additives, such as sugar, salt, preservatives, and fillers. These additives are often full of empty calories and could have a negative impact on the way you look and feel.

A little bit of junk food or a sugary treat is okay occasionally, but you should ideally focus on eating right.

How a Healthy Diet Affect Plastic Surgery Recovery

Generally speaking, eating healthy before surgery and as you’re healing from surgery typically improves the recovery process. Protein is packed with amino acids that can help your body rebuild and heal after surgery. Foods rich in iron can help improve the healing process as well.

You may want to prepare and refrigerate some healthy meals prior to surgery so they can be easily reheated while you’re recovering.

How Your Long-Term Diet Affects Body Fat and Weight

If you eat a healthy diet, you’re more likely to maintain a good body weight. This keeps excess fat off, helping you look slimmer and trimmer. This is especially important for patients who have undergone liposuction to remove unwanted body fat. Long-term, healthy eating allows those slimming results to last for years and years.

How Your Long-Term Diet Affects Skin Quality

In addition to helping with weight maintenance and body composition, a healthy diet tends to contribute to healthier skin and slower aging process. This means you can eat right to prolong the outcomes of facial plastic surgery for anti-aging and rejuvenation. In fact, healthy eating habits could mean just an occasional anti-aging treatment with injectables such as BOTOX Cosmetic and dermal fillers to keep signs of aging at bay without the need for surgery.

Should I Take Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements?

This can vary. Many people can get all the vitamins and nutrients they need from a balanced diet, though others may require a supplement to meet their daily needs. You can speak with your doctor about these matters to determine if vitamins and other supplements are ideal for you.

Learn More About Long-Term Anti-Aging and Health

If you live in the Dallas-Forth Worth area and what more information about your diet and other aspects of your lifestyle that can affect your appearance, be sure to contact a board-certified plastic surgeon. Our team is here to help you.