It can be very uncomfortable for a woman if her breast implants do not settle into her body at the right rate. One of the most common problems right after breast augmentation surgery is that the implants feel hard or firm to the touch, which can be very uncomfortable for the woman, not only because this firmness can be very painful, but also because the implants can look very unnatural when this occurs. This kind of firmness is common in the weeks immediately after breast augmentation, but typically goes away as the implants settle.


Right after surgery, the implant will feel firm and sit higher up on the chest. As the body heals and the breast implants settle into their proper location, they will sit properly on the chest and begin to soften. This process can take a few weeks or months as the implants progressively improve in softness and location. Six weeks to three months after surgery they should feel soft and supple and settle into place.

In some cases, it may feel that the implant is being squeezed, so that when it is touched, it is very firm under the skin. Patients may also feel that the skin and muscles in the chest are contracted around the implant. There will be a tightness and a squeezing around the implants and they may be painful to the touch, or have a constant dull ache. This can happen months or years after the implants are placed and is a sign of capsular contracture.


While the body heals around the implant, it also begins to isolate it. The body will create a protective capsule around the implant around the implant; this is normal. However, with time, the capsule may squeeze the implant, which can make the breasts feel extra firm and painful; this is known as capsular contracture.


The best way to prevent capsular contracture and encourage proper settling of the breast implants is for the patient to follow all of the instructions provided by the doctor. In most cases, the surgeon will recommend some sort of binding or compression regimen, in order to encourage the breasts to settle into the correct spot, before the body begins the healing process. Most women will bind their chests with a special garment or bandage that helps the guide the implants into the correct position. This will get the implants into the correct location before scar tissue begins to develop and before the body has a chance to isolate the implant.


If the breasts are still sitting too high and too firm several months after surgery, consulting a doctor is important. The surgeon may recommend an additional surgery, in order to place the implants correctly on the chest wall, as it can be very difficult to fix the problem externally. In some cases, there may be too much scar tissue or the body has already isolated the implant. However, in the vast majority of cases, the breasts will settle and soften up with a few weeks of surgery. Choosing a qualified surgeon will increase your chance of a successful surgery.

Contact Dr. Paul Pin to schedule a breast augmentation consultation.