Most people know that while the human body may appear to be completely symmetrical, there are some subtle differences between the right and left sides of the body. The most obvious example of this asymmetry is in the heart, which is shifted slightly over to the left side of the body. Other parts of the body that can be asymmetrical include the length of the legs or arms, and the size of the feet, hands or breasts. In most cases, these differences in length or size are almost imperceptible. However, these differences can be noticeable in some cases, and can result in embarrassment or difficulty finding properly fitting clothes or shoes.

Breast asymmetry or lopsidedness can be particularly frustrating for women, not only because it can make finding bras in the proper size next to impossible, but it can also cause self consciousness and problems with body image. In fact, as many as 10 to 15 percent of women may have some form of visible difference in the size of their breasts. Dr. Paul Pin has consulted with numerous patients seeking to correct for breast asymmetry or lopsidedness. Fortunately, breast augmentation can create a more symmetrical appearance.

What Causes Breast Asymmetry or Lopsidedness?

Most cases of breast asymmetry or lopsidedness are caused by genetics. Other, less common causes may include some sort of traumatic injury or capsular contracture, which happens when excessive scar tissue forms around a breast implant, causing it to shift out of its natural position and give a lopsided appearance.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

An augmentation procedure to correct for breast asymmetry or lopsidedness is very similar to one done strictly for aesthetic purposes. The one difference is that there may be implants of two different sizes or only one implant used, depending upon the correction that must be made to the breasts. In other cases, an augmentation may be done on one breast, while a reduction is done on the other.

As with a standard augmentation procedure, the implants will be made of either saline or silicone gel, and can be placed either behind the mammary glands and ducts (subglandular) or behind the chest muscles (subpectoral). Each material and placement will provide a different look and feel to the augmented breast.

The size and profile of the implant will also affect the look and feel of the breast. The implant profile is determined by its height in relation to its width. An implant with a low profile will have more width than height, and one with a high profile will have more height than width. Dr. Pin will work with you to help you determine the best material, placement, size, and profile for you to get the best results to get your breasts to even out in size.

No two breasts on the same person are exactly identical. There will always be a slight variation in size and shape. However, if there is a noticeable difference, a breast augmentation procedure might be the solution to even them out.