It is well-known that pregnancy can change the size and shape of the breasts, making them larger during the time that a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, the areola (the darkened skin surrounding the nipple) may become larger, misshapen, and stretched. After the woman finishes breastfeeding, the breasts will usually slowly reduce in size. However, this does not necessarily mean that the breasts and areola will go back to their original shape. Breast tissue and skin that have been subjected to a great amount of stretching will often be affected by stretch marks and some degree of ptosis. In addition, the areola may not return to its former shape or size. The end result may be breasts that sag and droop, with large, misshapen areola.

What Can Be Done to Restore the Size of the Breasts and the Areola?

Many women may think that a breast augmentation will correct for sagging breasts. The truth is that in most cases, a breast lift procedure (mastoplexy) is the best solution to correct the problem. If the breasts are sagging to a point that the nipple is below the inframammary crease (the point at which the lower portion of the breast joins up to the chest wall), a breast lift procure will restore the breasts to their previous appearance. In essence, no volume is added to the breasts, but they are simply lifted back up into their position prior to pregnancy.

The areolas can also be reduced in size and shape during the breast lift procedure. However, the breast lift and areolar size reduction should be performed after the patient is finished having children and breastfeeding. An additional pregnancy may reverse the effects of the breast lift procedure.

What Is Involved in a Breast Lift and Areola Reduction Procedure?

In a breast lift procedure, an incision is made around the areola, and then down to the inframammary crease. Another horizontal, curved incision may be made along the crease, depending on the degree of sagginess. The breast skin and nipple are then lifted up and tightened, and the excess skin and tissue removed before the incisions are sutured. This procedure can be done alone or in conjunction with reducing the size and shape of the areola.

In an areola reduction procedure, the surgeon uses the small incision around the areola. The excess areola skin and tissue are then reduced, tightened, and sutured back into place. Because the incisions are made where the areola meets the skin of the breast, any scarring is quite discreet. Patients should be able to resume normal activities within a few weeks following the procedure, and they should see the final results from the breast lift procedure after about six weeks.

Patients may already be concerned about the effect of pregnancy and breastfeeding on the shape of their body. Fortunately, there are cosmetic surgical procedures to give them back the figure they had before the pregnancy.

Contact the practice of Dr. Paul Pin to schedule a breast lift consultation.