Now that summer is giving way to fall, we are now facing the upcoming holiday seasons of candy corn, pumpkin pie, and Christmas cookies. Of course, these can all wreak havoc on your best efforts to keep off excess pounds. This can be very frustrating, as you may feel as though you are not really making any sort of permanent progress in getting rid of excess fat. Fortunately, there are solutions to this dilemma that can keep off excess belly fat.

Balanced Sensible Diet

An overabundance of sugar and carbs throws the biggest wrench in most people's diets over the holidays. While all those holiday candies and baked goods may taste delicious, the end result will often be excess belly fat. To combat this, you need to think about what you are eating, even during the holiday season. It may be difficult to do this, but try to opt for healthier food options. As one example, have fresh steamed green beans at the Thanksgiving table rather than a green bean casserole that is often drowned in a calorie-laden cream sauce. Have fresh apples sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg as an alternative to pumpkin pie. Drink water or herbal tea rather than sugar-laden specialty drinks.

Keep Moving

Summer is when we are most active, whether it is running, swimming, biking, or some other form of activity. However, you may be less inclined to keep active once colder weather starts to set in, particularly if it comes with rain and snow. Nevertheless, it is imperative to keep up with regular exercise, even as the weather starts to cool down, in order to not add extra fat to the waistline.

If you live in an area with relatively mild fall and winter conditions, being able to continue outdoor exercising may be as simple as trading in a t-shirt for a light jacket or a sweat shirt. You may also find that certain activities are better suited to cooler weather, such as jogging versus swimming. If you live in areas with colder winters, you may want to look at investing in a gym membership. This will allow you to continue your exercise routine, no matter the weather outside.


Despite our best efforts, there still may be stubborn abdominal fat that refuses to budge. If this is the case for you, a liposuction procedure may be the answer. In this procedure, Dr. Pin will make a series of small incisions in the areas to be targeted for fat removal, insert a thin metal tube through the incisions, and then gently vacuum out the excess fat. In some cases, he may use lasers, ultrasonic waves, or vibration to help break up the fat and make it easier to remove. He may also use a procedure called tumescent liposuction, in which he will inject a combination of a local anesthetic and epinephrine just below the surface of the skin. This will make the fat swell and move closer to the skin's surface, making it easier to remove.

Dr. Pin understands how hard it can be to not only get a flat belly, but also maintain it, particularly through the fall and winter months. If you are exercising and eating right, yet still have pockets of belly fat, a liposuction procedure may be just the thing you need to keep yourself in shape for the coming year.