Any patient planning on getting a breast lift will want to know the general cost of the procedure so they can save or set aside money for treatment. Patients should plan on selecting an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Paul Pin, budgeting time off of work for appointments and recovery, and plan on how they will pay for the breast lift surgery. Patients often have questions about how much a breast lift costs and the payment options available for covering these costs. This blog post covers some basic information about breast lift costs, financing, and other payment options.

Breast Lift Pricing

The exact amount of a breast lift really varies from patient to patient and depends on each individual situation. At Dr. Pin's Dallas practice, breast lift costs $10,500. These costs include an overnight stay (when needed), fees for the anesthesiologist, the facility, and surgeon's fees.

How to Pay

There are many different ways individuals plan on paying for their procedure. Here are just a few considerations and options to help any patient cover the costs of a breast lift.

  • Saving - One of the most financially responsible ways for patients to pay for the breast lift procedure is to save upfront and then pay the whole bill off at once. While it may seem difficult to save the whole sum and pay it all off up front, it may save money in the long run. Patients can avoid high interest rates, monthly payments, and potential missed payments when they have all the money saved up from the get-go.
  • Personal Loan - When it's not possible for a patient to save enough money to pay the entire bill upfront, it's possible to get a personal loan in the form of a credit card or medical financing. With financing, the lender pays off the costs of the procedure, and then the patient is responsible for setting up a monthly payment plan with the financing company.
  • Payment Options - Most plastic surgeons, including Dr. Pin, offer various payment options to patients. Major credit cards such as MasterCard and Visa are accepted. Patients may also pay for treatment with cash or check.

Although Dr. Pin offers breast lift cost ranges to help patients plan for surgery, the only way to get a precise quote is to schedule a consultation so Dr. Pin can evaluate the patient's needs. Contact Dr. Pin's practice today.