A nicely defined chin can make all the difference when it comes to your appearance. Conversely, a weak, small, or misshapen chin can lead you to feel self-conscious about the way you look. That's why many people undergo facial plastic surgery at our Dallas, TX practice. A facial implant placed during chin augmentation can give your face the desirable, statuesque qualities you feel it lacks.

While chin augmentation surgery is not particularly invasive, patients will experience side effects once the surgery is complete. This is a natural part of healing and recovery. Let's take a moment to discuss the most common post-surgical side effects.

Pain, Discomfort, and Tenderness

Pain and discomfort are most pronounced in the first few days after a chin augmentation has been performed. In the first days after surgery, patients can take prescription pain medication as directed. The soreness should become more tolerable tenderness after the first few days. This less severe and more manageable pain can be dealt with using over-the-counter pain medications.


Bruising around the chin and the incision sites will generally be most visible in the first two weeks after the chin augmentation. Some minor discoloration will last for another two weeks after that.


Swelling is typically at its worst in the first days after a chin augmentation. By the end of two weeks, major swelling should have abated. Minor swelling can linger for another week or so after that. Keep in mind that some residual swelling could last for another month, though this is difficult for others to detect.

Numbness and Tingling

Numbness and tingling around the incision sites and the chin itself are to be expected. This can last for a few weeks while the nerves and other tissues around the chin heal. Sensitivity and changes in sensation should be less of an issue from month to month as patients recover.

Post-surgical Scarring

Scarring is a reality after any surgical procedure. Thankfully most chin augmentation incision are hidden within the mouth. While there will be a scar inside of the mouth, it will not be visible to others in any way unless they really try to look for it.

Follow-up Visits with Your Plastic Surgeon

Following a chin augmentation, patients will make return visits to their plastic surgeon for recovery to be monitored. Patients should attend all of these follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure they are free from any healing issues.

How Much Time Should I Take Off from Work?

Like other facial plastic surgery procedures, it's a good idea to take about two weeks off from work. This will allow major bruising and swelling to pass, and for the patients to be well-rested and ready to return to their normal job duties.

If you work in a physically demanding or strenuous field, you may need a little extra time off to prevent injuring your chin. This can be discussed with your plastic surgeon.

Lean More about Chin Augmentation

For more information about chin augmentation and how it can help you look younger and more refreshed, be sure to contact an experienced facial plastic surgeon today. We will help you recover quickly and free from complications.