If you have a bump or hump on the bridge of your nose, it can lead to a number of issues with overall facial aesthetics. This nasal hump can cause your nose to appear crooked, which can lead to major issues with facial symmetry.

The bump or hump on the bridge can also lead to problems with the prominence and appearance of your nose, whether you're viewed in profile or straight. These issues can leave you feeling self-conscious about your overall appearance, and your nose may detract from your other facial features as well.

Whatever the case may be, plastic surgeons can help. In fact, many people throughout the Dallas, TX area come to our practice for rhinoplasty (nose job). Let's consider how a rhinoplasty can correct issues with nasal humps and what that process may involve.

How Rhinoplasty Can Help

A rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that is performed on the nose. A plastic surgeon can make a number of adjustments to the bridge of the nose by adjusting the bone and cartilage. By making these careful adjustments, a surgeon can help a patient achieve his or her aesthetic goals and experience improved self-confidence in the process.

Specifically regarding the bridge of the nose, a rhinoplasty can improve the overall appearance of the nose, correcting crookedness caused by nasal humps or creating a more appealing facial profile.

Good Candidates for Rhinoplasty

Good candidates for rhinoplasty are people who feel self-conscious about the appearance of their nose and would like to undergo surgery to correct the issue. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from any medical problems that would make a rhinoplasty a potential danger to general wellness. Patients should also be aware of all risks and benefits involved in the surgical process.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

A rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia in order to prevent pain and patient anxiety. Plastic surgeons can use either an open or closed surgical technique.

  • Closed Rhinoplasty: During a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside of the nostrils. Using fine tools, all of the necessary revision can be done through these incisions.
  • Open Rhinoplasty: During an open rhinoplasty, an incision is made along the columella, the skin located between the nostrils. Through this incision, surgeons can make the necessary revisions to the nose. Open rhinoplasty generally allows surgeons to have more control over the surgery.

Whatever method is used, the plastic surgeon will carefully remove bone or cartilage from the nose in order to eliminate humps or reduce the prominence of nasal bumps. The amount of structure removed or revised can vary from patient to patient.

The Results of Rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, patients will have a straight and sculpted nose. The bridge will be smooth. Free from nasal bumps, patients will typically feel much more confidence about their appearance and less self-conscious around others. Changes like these can make a major difference on how the world perceives you and how you look at the world.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty

For more information about rhinoplasty and how it can help you look your very best, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon today. Dr. Paul Pin and the team at his cosmetic surgery center will discuss these matters with you in greater detail.