Every so often, a patient will need a revision rhinoplasty surgery. The main reasons for a revision includes problematic healing from a previous procedure or dissatisfaction with the results of the surgery. In some instances, patients require a revision rhinoplasty surgery to remove excess scar tissue. Here is some more information about this procedure and what to expect.

Is it Possible to Remove Scar Tissue?

It is possible to surgically remove scar tissue that results from a previous rhinoplasty surgery. The scar tissue forms between the cartilage and skin; when excessive amounts of scar tissue form, it can affect the final result of the rhinoplasty procedure. Scar tissue can be removed, but it is a complicated treatment and requires expert precision from surgeons like Dr. Paul Pin. When performing the revision, it's important not to injure the blood supply and to focus on only removing fat, scar and subcutaneous tissue.

Scar tissue is a natural result of any type of plastic surgery, or any other surgical procedure for that matter. Scar tissue can grow back, but if the procedure is performed correctly, the surgeon will be able to reduce the amount of scar tissue from the previous surgery and take precautions so that minimal scar tissue grows after the revision. Patients can also wear nasal tape in the weeks after surgery to reduce the risk of scar tissue.

In some cases, surgeons may attempt to treat the scar tissue non-surgically with cortisone injections. If cortisone injections don't work and there is excess scarring, the surgeon may recommend a revision rhinoplasty. Dr. Paul Pin consults each patient to determine which approach is better for removing any scar tissue.

What to Expect

Since revision rhinoplasty is such a complicated procedure, it's important that patients plan extra time for the surgery. Revision rhinoplasty surgery requires about four hours of time in the operating room. Additionally, it's important to remember that not only does the surgery take additional time, but it may take a longer time to recover from revision rhinoplasty. Depending on the health of the individual and the patient's skin, the total recovery time may be anywhere from six months to 12 months. In some instances in which the scar tissue is extremely thick, it can take up to two years to fully heal from a revision. Since the procedure is so complex, it is important for patients to follow Dr. Paul Pin's recovery instructions exactly.

When to Get the Surgery

While a patient may notice scar tissue forming early on after the initial surgery, it's important to time the revision surgery properly. A general rule of thumb is to wait to have a revision surgery for at least one year after the initial surgery, but the best time for a surgery may vary from patient-to-patient. The best way to determine the best time for revision surgery is to consult Dr. Paul Pin and ask for his expert recommendation. Contact the Dallas practice of Paul Pin, M.D., today.