A strong or prominent chin can work wonders for your appearance. It can communicate confidence and add a great sense of dimension to your face. Of course, not everyone is born with a prominent chin. People with weak chins or other problems with the look of their chin can consider a visit to our Dallas, TX plastic surgery center. We offer facial rejuvenation and enhancement options that can improve the appearance of the face.

While chin augmentation is often done using facial implants, plastic surgeons can also use dermal filler injections to enhance the chin. This is sometimes known as a liquid chin augmentation. Let's consider how this treatment works and how it compares to surgical chin augmentation.

How Dermal Fillers Work

Dermal fillers are safe and effective injectable substances that can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and add volume different areas of the face. There are many kinds of dermal fillers available, which means surgeons have a great amount of versatility when it comes to picking the right filler for the patient's needs.

When performing chin augmentation with dermal fillers, plastic surgeons typically use fillers such as RADIESSE® or JUVÉDERM®. The ideal dermal filler to use in your case can be determined during an in-person consultation.

Ideal Candidates for Dermal Filler Injections

Good candidates for chin augmentation with dermal fillers are people who have issues with the appearance of their chin. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from any medical conditions that might be exacerbated by injectable treatments. It's important that these patients have realistic expectations about the nature of treatment and the results that can be achieved.

What to Expect during Liquid Chin Augmentation

During a liquid chin augmentation, patients will usually receive some topical anesthesia. No sedation will be necessary. Careful injections are made in the chin to add greater prominence and to improve the shape. Overall treatment time should be no more than 30 minutes.

Since no surgery is involved, patients will not have to worry about taking time off from work. They can return to most of their normal activities after the injection treatment has been completed. Strenuous physical activity should be avoided for at least 24 hours. Minor swelling around the chin and lower face is a common side effect, lasting up to a few days.

How Long Will Results Last?

The type of dermal filler used will determine the length of liquid chin augmentation results. If RADIESSE® is used, the chin augmentation can last for up to a year; with certain JUVÉDERM® fillers, results might last up to two years.

When the results of the dermal fillers have ended, an additional liquid chin augmentation can be performed.

Dermal Fillers vs. Chin Augmentation Surgery

Chin augmentation surgery has excellent results, though there are several days of downtime involved. Dermal filler chin augmentation has no downtime and a much lower complication risk, though the results are not permanent.

These are the primary considerations for patients deciding between surgery and cosmetic injection treatment. During your visit to the practice, we can help you weigh these options and figure out if surgery or dermal fillers are more ideal for you.

Learn More about Chin Augmentation Techniques

For more information about chin augmentation options and how we can help you look your best, be sure to contact an experienced plastic surgeon today. Our team looks forward to your visit and discussing these matters with you in greater detail.